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It's been an amazing year for all of us here at theCHIVE. For a couple of brothers who just wanted to quit their day jobs, words can't express the gratitude I feel when I think about what this community has become.
The very first day theCHIVE started, my brother Leo and I thought we should close each day with a post that represented the best of the web - the funniest, sexiest, and most endearing photos on the internets that day. We called it the Daily Afternoon Randomness.
After a month, the DAR was getting hundreds of views a day. Leo and I thought that was so cool. Maybe someday it would reach a thousand hits!
Four years later, the DAR is visited by millions and the reason for its success has little to do with me. I'd like to thank all the Chivers and Chivettes who send in their original photos to make the DAR the great escape it is.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all of this. That was very nice of you.
We're going to post through the weekend but we're taking the next week off to spend time with our friends and family for Christmas. I'm sure we'll post sporadically throughout the week when we're bored but don't hold us to it. Patty and I will be in Key West around New Year's and our Chivers there know where to find us.
theCHIVE will return full-strength on January 2nd.
Have a Merry Christmas, Chivers. Enjoy your friends, family, and a good pint. We'll see you in 2013.
